Benevolve Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) sets out the process followed by Benevolve LLC (collectively “Benevolve”, “we”, “us” or “our”) may collect and use Data from individuals and/or client organisations (collectively “you”) in connection with your use of the Benevolve Solutions, the Benevolve website, and any other Benevolve services (“Services”) that are incorporated in this Privacy Policy. The purpose of this Policy is to inform you regarding collection, use, storage, transfer and disclosure of your data. Before submitting any data or information to us, please carefully read this Policy to understand how we shall treat your data. From time to time we reserve the right to modify, alter and update this Policy as we adopt new privacy practices. If you continue to use or avail the Services of the Website after any modification, amendment, alteration or change of this Policy, you hereby deem to provide consent to this Policy existing at the time of visiting, accessing and/or using the Website.

Please note that this Privacy Policy does not apply in the following circumstances:



We will only collect your information which is required for use of the Services and Personal Data (“Data”) about you in accordance with applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international. The Data we collect depends on the context of your interactions with us and the choices you make, including your own privacy settings and the specific Services you use. Depending on your particular use, we may collect the following categories of Data about you, your family (solely with regard to the Service availed) and your organisation:

  • Personal identifiers (such as real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name or other similar identifiers);
  • Commercial Data (such as services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies);
  • Internet or other electronic network activity Data
  • Any other Data that you communicate to us directly during your communications with us; and
  • Inferences drawn from the above.

Sources OF DATA

We may collect your data both online (for example, through your use of our websites and Services) and offline. Most of the data we collect or maintain about you is provided directly by you to us. If you choose to provide us with Data about another person, you shall ensure that you have obtained the consent of that particular person to share their data with us. If you do not want to provide us with your Data you may decide at any time not to visit our sites or provide Data to us directly. However, if you choose not to provide us with certain specific Data, please note that we may not be able to provide certain Services to you. Cookies and related technologies: In some cases, we may also passively collect internet or other electronic network activity Data about you and your use of our Services through the use of cookies, server logs, web beacons, navigational data collection (clickstream, log files, server logs, etc.) and related technologies. We use this Data to help improve and optimize the Services for you and for security purposes.



At all times in accordance with, and solely where permitted by applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international, we use the Data that we collect from you for specific clear and lawful purposes as stated below:

  • Communicating with you,
  • Facilitating and responding to your requests,
  • Operating, improving, and developing our Services,
  • Processing your transactions,
  • Customizing your experience,
  • Providing you with quality assurance and support for our Services,
  • Ensuring our own compliance with legal obligations as requisite under applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international;
  • Preventing or investigating fraudulent or inappropriate uses of our Services, and
  • Marketing and analytics purposes, including remarketing and behavioral targeting in some instances and as otherwise permitted by applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international.

We may also use your data as otherwise disclosed to you at the point of the collection of your data. We may also make full use of data that is aggregated, anonymized or not otherwise in a personally identifiable form. Cookies and related technology. We may use the Data collected from cookies and related technologies for the purposes identified above, as well as to analyze trends, administer the website, track users’ movements, gather broad demographic Data for aggregate use and to confirm that a particular individual affirmed his/her consent to specific legal terms (e.g. a clickwrap license agreement). From time to time, electronic communications we provide may contain code that enable our database to understand whether the communication was opened and/or what links (if any) you have clicked. We may combine such Data with other Data we have about you and may use this data to improve your experience with our Services and/or provide customized communications to you. You have an option to not provide us with certain Data or withdraw consent to provide certain Data at any time, in accordance with the terms of this Policy. In case consent is withdrawn, we shall retain your Personal data or Data for a period deemed appropriate by us or as mandated by applicable territorial law. On revoking of your consent, we reserve the right to limit access to the various features and services provided on the Website. Marketing opt-outs. Where permitted by applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international, and with your prior consent where required by applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international, we may use your data for marketing and to provide you with promotional communications about our products and services. You can unsubscribe from further marketing at any time by selecting the “unsubscribe” link at the end of the various marketing and promotional communications we send you. Please keep in mind that even if you unsubscribe from our marketing communications, we may still contact you for other legitimate reasons.



We will share your data with third-parties solely as permitted by applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international and only as described in this Privacy Policy or as otherwise expressly permitted by you. Any third-parties that we may share your data with are obliged to keep your data confidential, secure and in manner no less protective of your data than this Privacy Policy. We may disclose your data to our consultants, service providers, vendors and contractors we use to facilitate the Services on a need to know basis. These parties provide services directly to us upon our instruction such as delivery services, business administration and system administration and technical support, advertising support, public relations, media and marketing services, legal services, call-in centers, e-commerce and other web-related services such as web hosting and web monitoring services. Please be aware that all such parties ( as set our hereinabove) are under contractual obligations to safeguard your Data and are not permitted to use your Data for their own purposes. We may disclose your data if required to do so by law or if we have a good faith belief that disclosure is necessary to

  • (1) comply with the law or, as applicable in a particular territory whether local, national or international, to bring or defend against a legal action;
  • (2) respond to governmental and/or law enforcement requests;
  • (3) protect and defend our rights or property; or
  • (4) act in an emergency to protect someone’s safety.

Finally, we may disclose your Data if we are involved in a merger, acquisition, financing due diligence, reorganization, bankruptcy, receivership, sale of company assets, or transition of service to another provider. In such cases, your Data may be sold or transferred in connection with the transaction and as permitted by law and/or contract.



We may process your data in the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, India, Singapore or any other regions in which we have a presence or data processing facilities. Similarly, we may transfer Data from the country in which you are located to the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, India, Singapore or any other regions in which we have a presence or data processing facilities. We will comply with all applicable laws in a particular territory whether local, national or international, relating to the processing and transfer of your Data. Where applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international requires consent for such international processing or transfer, we will seek consent from you independent of this Privacy Policy. You may be entitled by applicable privacy laws to request more Data about the details of international transfers of your Data and the security measures taken by us in connection with that transfer. To obtain more Data about exercising your rights, please contact us at: You shall promptly notify us in case any Data supplied by you as maintained in our records is inaccurate, misleading or incomplete. Further, you may also review, update or modify the Data by logging into your User Account on the Website. We shall not be responsible for the authenticity of Data supplied by you.


Data retention

We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect data from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction, whether in transmission or storage. Although we will exercise reasonable care in providing secure transmission of Data between your computer and our servers, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any Data transmitted to us over the Internet and we accept no liability for any unintentional disclosure. We will retain your Data in accordance with applicable territorial law(s) and, unless otherwise provided by applicable territorial law(s), for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which your Data was processed by us. Where there are technical limitations that prevent deletion or anonymization, we will safeguard and limit the use of Data as required by applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international. We may undertake periodic review of our security safeguards and this Policy to incorporate such future changes as may be appropriate to ensure that integrity of your Data is intact. In case of any security breach which is likely to cause harm to you, we shall notify you of such breach as soon as practicable and take necessary measures to remedy the breach or mitigate any immediate harm. Various terms used in this policy not defined shall have meaning ascribed to it under the Website Terms and Conditions. The Policy shall form an integral part of the Website Terms and Conditions.



Where we are acting as a data controller under applicable privacy laws of the European Union (EU), we process your personal data only (i) where the processing is in our legitimate interests (which are not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms); (ii) in connection with the creation (at your request) or performance of a contract with you; (iii) where such processing is necessary for our compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject; or (iv) where we have collected your consent to do so. For the sake of clarity, where we are using your information based on the legal basis of consent, we will seek consent from you independent of this Privacy Policy. You can withdraw such consent at any time by contacting us at: . Where your information originates in the European Union and is transferred outside the EU, we will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is subject to appropriate safeguards, such as relying on a recognised legal adequacy mechanism, and that it is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.

Line Data we collect about you

We will only collect your information which is required for use of the Services and Personal Data (“Data”) about you in accordance with applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international. The Data we collect depends on the context of your interactions with us and the choices you make, including your own privacy settings and the specific Services you use. Depending on your particular use, we may collect the following categories of Data about you, your family (solely with regard to the Service availed) and your organisation:

  • Personal identifiers (such as real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name or other similar identifiers);
  • Commercial Data (such as services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies);
  • Internet or other electronic network activity Data
  • Any other Data that you communicate to us directly during your communications with us; and
  • Inferences drawn from the above.

Line Sources of data

We may collect your data both online (for example, through your use of our websites and Services) and offline. Most of the data we collect or maintain about you is provided directly by you to us. If you choose to provide us with Data about another person, you shall ensure that you have obtained the consent of that particular person to share their data with us.
If you do not want to provide us with your Data you may decide at any time not to visit our sites or provide Data to us directly. However, if you choose not to provide us with certain specific Data, please note that we may not be able to provide certain Services to you. Cookies and related technologies: In some cases, we may also passively collect internet or other electronic network activity Data about you and your use of our Services through the use of cookies, server logs, web beacons, navigational data collection (clickstream, log files, server logs, etc.) and related technologies. We use this Data to help improve and optimize the Services for you and for security purposes.

Line How we use your data

At all times in accordance with, and solely where permitted by applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international, we use the Data that we collect from you for specific clear and lawful purposes as stated below:

  • Communicating with you,
  • Facilitating and responding to your requests,
  • Operating, improving, and developing our Services,
  • Processing your transactions,
  • Customizing your experience,
  • Providing you with quality assurance and support for our Services,
  • Ensuring our own compliance with legal obligations as requisite under applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international;
  • Preventing or investigating fraudulent or inappropriate uses of our Services, and
  • Marketing and analytics purposes, including remarketing and behavioral targeting in some instances and as otherwise permitted by applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international.

We may also use your data as otherwise disclosed to you at the point of the collection of your data. We may also make full use of data that is aggregated, anonymized or not otherwise in a personally identifiable form. Cookies and related technology. We may use the Data collected from cookies and related technologies for the purposes identified above, as well as to analyze trends, administer the website, track users’ movements, gather broad demographic Data for aggregate use and to confirm that a particular individual affirmed his/her consent to specific legal terms (e.g. a clickwrap license agreement). From time to time, electronic communications we provide may contain code that enable our database to understand whether the communication was opened and/or what links (if any) you have clicked. We may combine such Data with other Data we have about you and may use this data to improve your experience with our Services and/or provide customized communications to you. You have an option to not provide us with certain Data or withdraw consent to provide certain Data at any time, in accordance with the terms of this Policy. In case consent is withdrawn, we shall retain your Personal data or Data for a period deemed appropriate by us or as mandated by applicable territorial law. On revoking of your consent, we reserve the right to limit access to the various features and services provided on the Website. Marketing opt-outs. Where permitted by applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international, and with your prior consent where required by applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international, we may use your data for marketing and to provide you with promotional communications about our products and services. You can unsubscribe from further marketing at any time by selecting the “unsubscribe” link at the end of the various marketing and promotional communications we send you. Please keep in mind that even if you unsubscribe from our marketing communications, we may still contact you for other legitimate reasons.

Line When we share your data with others

We will share your data with third-parties solely as permitted by applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international and only as described in this Privacy Policy or as otherwise expressly permitted by you. Any third-parties that we may share your data with are obliged to keep your data confidential, secure and in manner no less protective of your data than this Privacy Policy.

We may disclose your data to our consultants, service providers, vendors and contractors we use to facilitate the Services on a need to know basis. These parties provide services directly to us upon our instruction such as delivery services, business administration and system administration and technical support, advertising support, public relations, media and marketing services, legal services, call-in centers, e-commerce and other web-related services such as web hosting and web monitoring services.

Please be aware that all such parties ( as set our hereinabove) are under contractual obligations to safeguard your Data and are not permitted to use your Data for their own purposes.

We may disclose your data if required to do so by law or if we have a good faith belief that disclosure is necessary to

  • (1) comply with the law or, as applicable in a particular territory whether local, national or international, to bring or defend against a legal action;
  • (2) respond to governmental and/or law enforcement requests;
  • (3) protect and defend our rights or property; or
  • (4) act in an emergency to protect someone's safety.

Finally, we may disclose your Data if we are involved in a merger, acquisition, financing due diligence, reorganization, bankruptcy, receivership, sale of company assets, or transition of service to another provider. In such cases, your Data may be sold or transferred in connection with the transaction and as permitted by law and/or contract.

Line International transfer of your data

We may process your data in the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, India, Singapore or any other regions in which we have a presence or data processing facilities. Similarly, we may transfer Data from the country in which you are located to the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, India, Singapore or any other regions in which we have a presence or data processing facilities. We will comply with all applicable laws in a particular territory whether local, national or international, relating to the processing and transfer of your Data. Where applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international requires consent for such international processing or transfer, we will seek consent from you independent of this Privacy Policy.

You may be entitled by applicable privacy laws to request more Data about the details of international transfers of your Data and the security measures taken by us in connection with that transfer. To obtain more Data about exercising your rights, please contact us at:

You shall promptly notify us in case any Data supplied by you as maintained in our records is inaccurate, misleading or incomplete. Further, you may also review, update or modify the Data by logging into your User Account on the Website. We shall not be responsible for the authenticity of Data supplied by you.

Line Data retention

We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect data from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction, whether in transmission or storage.

Although we will exercise reasonable care in providing secure transmission of Data between your computer and our servers, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any Data transmitted to us over the Internet and we accept no liability for any unintentional disclosure.

We will retain your Data in accordance with applicable territorial law(s) and, unless otherwise provided by applicable territorial law(s), for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which your Data was processed by us. Where there are technical limitations that prevent deletion or anonymization, we will safeguard and limit the use of Data as required by applicable law in a particular territory whether local, national or international.

We may undertake periodic review of our security safeguards and this Policy to incorporate such future changes as may be appropriate to ensure that integrity of your Data is intact. In case of any security breach which is likely to cause harm to you, we shall notify you of such breach as soon as practicable and take necessary measures to remedy the breach or mitigate any immediate harm.

Various terms used in this policy not defined shall have meaning ascribed to it under the Website Terms and Conditions. The Policy shall form an integral part of the Website Terms and Conditions.

Line Users in the european union

Where we are acting as a data controller under applicable privacy laws of the European Union (EU), we process your personal data only (i) where the processing is in our legitimate interests (which are not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms); (ii) in connection with the creation (at your request) or performance of a contract with you; (iii) where such processing is necessary for our compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject; or (iv) where we have collected your consent to do so.

For the sake of clarity, where we are using your information based on the legal basis of consent, we will seek consent from you independent of this Privacy Policy. You can withdraw such consent at any time by contacting us at: .

Where your information originates in the European Union and is transferred outside the EU, we will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is subject to appropriate safeguards, such as relying on a recognised legal adequacy mechanism, and that it is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.



This Privacy Policy applies to Benevolve, LLC

If you have questions or concerns related to this Privacy Policy, you may contact us at:, or at our primary place of business at:

Benevolve, LLC